Pets & Pets Care

8 Pros and Cons of Supplementing Your Dog

Every time you bring your pooch to the groomers or for a fun obedience class at the local PetSmart, you may sometimes see advertisements about dog supplements for health.

These nutraceuticals, or functional foods, are touted as beneficial additions to your dog’s diet and health. But is buying supplements for Fido and Fifi worth it? Or can you simply rely on the Kibble and Bits forever? Here is the weigh in.

The pros of dog supplements

Veterinarians sometimes are hesitant to agree to supplementation for a pet, because many believe that if you are feeding your pooch adequately with high-grade food, all nutritional needs should be met. Still, there may come a time when supplements can be used to decrease nutritional imbalances.

Here are the pros of dog supplements:

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The cons of dog supplements

Although you may think that adding supplements can help bridge the gap between missing nutrients, just remember that these medications are often like ones for people: pumped up on fillers, synthetic materials, and chemicals that can actually be harmful. Be sure to always read the ingredients on the carton to make sure nothing on the list is toxic.

Here are some other cons to think about:

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Supplements are never intended to be a replacement for a well-balanced diet, and they should never be used as a “treat.” However, in the case where your aging dog is showing signs of joint pain or your growing pup cannot keep his food down, supplements may provide relief to keep those tails wagging.

There are both pros and cons to weigh, so be sure to get in contact with a trustworthy veterinarian before deciding whether or not dog supplements are necessary.