10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

Cats are known for their cute and adorable ears, and some breeds have particularly large ones. Here are 10 cat breeds with big ears that will make you fall in love.

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

1. Devon Rex

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

2. Siamese

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

3. Abyssinian

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

4. Chausie

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

5. Balinese

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

6. Cornish Rex

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

7. Egyptian Mau

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

8. Oriental

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

9. Savannah

10 Cat Breeds with Big Ears

10. Sphynx